5 Ways Trump Presidency Could Change Retirement in America

Image by Pla2na from Shutterstock

Lower interest rates

If Trump is able to influence the Fed to cut rates further, this will result in an advantage for retirees. Those who have variable-rate debts, such as equity lines of credit or credit card balances, will pay less than they used to.

But this is not all! Everyone who relies on fixed-income investments like bonds, CDs, or annuities will also get more money because the yields or interest payments will decrease and they will see a rise in bond prices.

Also, a reduction in borrowing costs will make housing more affordable, and this is perfect for any retiree who wants to downsize or relocate to lower-cost areas. Real estate agents believe that the new Trump policies will boost the value of real estate investments.

But as you would expect, this is not good news for everyone. For example, retirees who have large cash holdings in savings accounts or money market funds will get less money on these assets. Also, those who are approaching retirement age can be affected by the lower interest rates because their purchasing power will be reduced, which means it will be harder for them to create nest eggs.

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