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Have you ever dreamed about a car-free world? Unfortunately, in the past years, cars have become a MUST-HAVE, especially in the big cities. People need to get things done fast during the day, so having a car by their side makes a huge difference. But let’s not forget about[..]
Are you feeling like you’re in a slump? These empowerment tips for women over 60 can help! It’s expected to feel a bit confused and afraid after a significant shift in our lives. Many are so discouraged that they stop looking for a new path. But the truth is[..]
During his term as president, Donald Trump’s most noticeable impact on retirement savings was the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement (SECURE) Act, which also became law on January 1, 2020. By most accounts, this type of bipartisan legislation also improved America’s retirement landscape by fully removing age restrictions[..]
Retirement is a significant change in a person’s life, marking the transition from decades of work to a period of reflection Retirement often means a new beginning. It represents a major life transformation, so it is completely normal to experience anxiety and stress. Learning how to take things easy[..]

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What are the common phrases to avoid saying to grandparents?  Being a grandparent was never easy. Even if you have already raised a child, it will always be hard to keep up with the juniors. You’re no longer in your 30s, and it can be quite challenging to have enough patience to help raise a child. Some days you will get asked a lot of weird questions, and other[..]
What are the common phrases to avoid saying to grandparents?  Being a grandparent was never easy. Even if you have already raised a child, it will always be hard to keep up with the juniors. You’re no longer in your 30s, and it can be quite challenging to have enough patience to help raise a child. Some days you will get asked a lot of weird questions, and other[..]

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