12 Things Baby Boomers Do (That Younger Folks Don’t Get)


Do Baby Boomers and Gen Z have anything in common?

Surprisingly or not, even though there is a 60-year gap between the youngest member of Gen Z and the oldest Baby Boomer, these generations have something in common. Both generations have experienced significant technological advancements. Baby Boomers experienced the advent of television, the early stages of computer technology, and space exploration, while Gen Z has grown up with the internet, smartphones, and last but not least, social media.

Gen Z cannot imagine a world where social media and validation through likes and comments don’t exist. At the same time, some of the Baby Boomers are trying to figure out this new style of living, and the biggest part of them is still completely denying the advantages of using technology.

Baby Boomers
Image by YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV from Shutterstock

Will the “war” between generations ever end? Clearly, not.

Even though Baby Boomers are trying hard to keep up with the trends, there are still a lot of differences in mentalities that cannot be changed or overlooked. Some of these differences can be observed in their posts on social media. Let’s start with how these generations take photos. For example, if they’re on a holiday, Baby Boomers take photos near the attractions they visit. Most of the time, the tourist attraction is bigger than the individuals posing, which can hardly be seen in the middle or in the corner of the picture.

On the other side, Gen Z spends a lot of time finding the perfect angle. This generation will never post photos of the attractions they visit; on the contrary, they’ll post pictures taken in aesthetic cafes or restaurants, sometimes not even mentioning the place they’re at. These mysterious vibes are a cool trend nowadays. Gen Z claims that full-body pictures in city breaks are outdated.

Also, another huge and funny difference between generations that can be seen on social media is the use of emojis. Baby Boomers usually avoid emojis. You’ll never see a Baby Boomer spend time searching for the perfect combination of emojis or looking for trendy captions on Pinterest that will be used for their Instagram and Facebook posts.

Are young folks annoyed about things that Baby Boomers still do?

Yes, young generations try hard to understand a Baby Boomer’s mentality, even though it can be really tough. Usually, young people get easily annoyed when Baby Boomers refuse to change and adapt to the present. Are they doing it on purpose? Or is it really hard for them to change? We’ll never really know, but I believe the truth is somewhere in between.

Baby Boomers
Image by Kira_Yan from Shutterstock

Here are 12 things Baby Boomers still do that young folks don’t understand

1. Read newspapers

Newspapers kill trees! Nowadays, everyone finds out the news before the newspaper is even printed. So, besides the love for the daily morning routine, which includes enjoying the smell and its texture, there’s no other advantage to finding out what is happening in the world from a newspaper.

Baby Boomers are still enjoying their daily routine, while younger generations are using their smartphones. They find out rapidly all they need to know.

2. Use Yahoo Mail

Gen Z claims that Yahoo Mail is outdated, but a lot of Baby Boomers are still using it. Is it that hard to get used to another mailing program, or are they stubborn?

Instead of Yahoo, everyone should use Google, which has had great success. It covers everything from documents and emails to classrooms and blogs.

3. Playing golf

Golf is known for being the most boring sport in the world, so it’s very clear why Gen Z hates it. Baby Boomers adore the fact that golf needs to be played in silence. This is how we can observe how the older generation prefers a slower lifestyle, while the younger generation loves challenges and actions and is rapidly getting bored.

4. Using corporal punishment

Can you believe that most Baby Boomers still believe that corporal punishment isn’t wrong? By far, this is one of the worst things they still do. The fact that they experienced this kind of punishment doesn’t mean it’s okay. On the contrary, it affects the children in the long term, creating self-confidence issues and a lack of emotional control.

5. Gender everything

How many times have you heard that the blue color is just for boys and the pink color is for girls? Who even said that? Baby Boomers used to gender everything. What if Wolf chooses the doll instead of the dragon toy?

Unfortunately, Baby Boomers are still reticent when it comes to gender. Even though nowadays everyone promotes diversity and acceptance, there is still a huge mentality difference between seniors and younger generations.

6. Reject climate change

Global warming is a very serious problem the world has to deal with, but most Baby Boomers continue to deny its existence. On a good note, it’s important to have a look at how younger generations are doing a great job by promoting the importance of protecting our planet and by presenting, whenever they have a chance, the negative effects of warming that are affecting everyone.

7. Iron everything

Ironing is time-consuming, and younger generations don’t do it anymore. The classic iron was replaced with the handy streamer, but it’s used just for special events or over-wrinkled fabric.

Gen Z refuses to buy clothes that cannot be worn without ironing. What do you think about it? Would you give up on your iron? Let us know in the comment section.

Have you tried using a modern streamer? If not, we think you should have a look on Amazon. Here you can find one of the best models, based on its numerous good reviews. Check it out!

Baby Boomers
Image by Lucigerma from Shutterstock

8. Fuzzy toilet seat covers

Fuzy toilet seat covers used to be a thing. The good news is that most Baby Boomers agreed that they were just highly germ-susceptible surfaces and weren’t useful at all. So, these days you’ll hardly see one, which is GREAT!

9. Agree with unpaid internships

Baby Boomers need to understand that internships are still a form of work and should be paid! They used to believe that the experience students can get through an internship is more than enough. Nowadays, things are a little bit different! Gen Z will automatically refuse an unpaid internship because nothing can be done for free.

10. Write in cursive

We have to admit that writing in cursive can be very romantic. Who wouldn’t love to receive a handwritten letter from their loved ones?

Unfortunately, modern technology and jobs aren’t searching for employees who know how to write in cursive. They call for typing skills rather than fancy handwriting.

11. Wear a lot of denim

All of us already know how much Baby Boomers hate ripped or skinny jeans. However, there are a lot of denim items they still love and wear, such as shorts or jackets. I think that knee-length denim shorts should be left in the past, but who am I to judge? What do you think? Are you wearing denim? What is your favorite denim item from your wardrobe?

12. Typing in All-Caps

You don’t have any excuse for using all caps, so stop lying! We already know that you are getting older and older, and your eyesight is deteriorating. If you struggle to read on your smartphone, increase the font size in the phone’s settings! Also, make sure to see your doctor ASAP before it gets worse.

Most seniors try hard to stay updated and keep up with all the changes, while others simply refuse to adapt to a new and modern lifestyle. However, as we grow older we face similar problems and challenges. That is why I think you should also read this article if you want to have a strong and healthy relationship with your grandkids: 6 Things You Do That Hurt Your Grandchildren the Most.

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