5 Alarming Social Security Reduction Factors You MUST Know About

Social Security Reduction
Photo by Andrey_Popov at Shutterstock

Social Security reduction factor: Flat-out cut benefits to preserve long-term payouts

Even though this is a highly unpopular option to resolve Social Security’s looming cash crunch, it’s nonetheless a Social Security reduction factor on the table.

According to the Social Security Board of Trustees report, the program has begun burning through its $2.89 trillion asset reserves, with total expenditures narrowly outpacing expected revenue. And by 2034, Social Security excess cash is expected to be completely depleted.

The good news, though, is that Social Security’s noninterest income, the taxation of benefits, and the 12.4% payroll tax on earned income ensure that it won’t go bankrupt and that payouts can continue to be made ad infinitum.

The bad news is that the current payout schedule needs to be revised. If Congress doesn’t figure out a way to raise additional revenue or cut expenditures, an across-the-board benefits cut of up to 21% may be required by 2034.

As you can imagine, no one wants to see their Social Security benefits cut, but the federal government has many options to do just that.

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2 Responses

  1. Are you fear mongering? Are you a senior! you know this first hand? Do you have a solution? If Not why are you scaring senior. You will be senior like it or not? Are you prepared?

  2. you or such a hateful person to scare old people? What is wrong with you? out of ideas for article? Or you just a Democrate. They were the first one to try to take ss away? Tell the truth Be sure old people know this.It will last until you need SS and then gone? What will you do? better get rich quick!

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