10 Best Places to Retire in The South (You’ll Love #5!)

Photo by Sean Pavone from Shutterstock

10. Jackson, Mississippi

Friendly tax policies and low costs can make for a great retirement in the Magnolia State, and the capital is particularly tempting. Jackson is an incredibly eclectic city that holds appeal for blues music aficionados, Civil War buffs, and even ballet fans.

Every four years, dancers from different parts of the world meet in Jackson for the USA International Ballet Competition to compete for spots in ballet companies, medals, and scholarships. Similar competitions are held only in Finland, Russia, and Bulgaria.

The Milken Institute ranks this southern city eighth among the best large cities for successful aging due to its affordability and caregiving options, geriatric facilities, and an abundance of orthopedic surgeons and nurse practitioners.

Note, however, that people who live here are prone to unhealthy habits that you don’t want to pick up in your golden years, including high levels of fast-food dining and low levels of activity.

You may also want to read Top 8 Most Expensive Small Towns in The US.

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2 Responses

  1. once again weather is great however mostly on the East Coast or at least more east than the west! no thanks!

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