9 Reasons You Should Relocate to California (Unless You’re Already a Citizen)

should relocate to California
Photo by Konstantin Kopachinsky from Shutterstock

8. Are you a foodie? You should relocate to California!

Given that California has a significant agricultural sector and even generates half of all the fruits, vegetables, and nuts cultivated in the United States, the standard of excellence of the California food scene is extraordinary.

In addition, the wine business is flourishing there. If you come to California (even for a visit), be sure to sample a San Francisco burrito. Check out L.A.’s well-known food trucks as well. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

9. Everybody loves dogs in California

According to some estimates, San Francisco has more dogs than kids, and LA has so many dog stores and salons that you start to question who is really in charge of this city. Jokes aside, if you’re planning to move in retirement and you have a dog too, this is a strong reason why you should relocate to California!

Let us know if you have any questions or comments below, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you! Until next time! 

Are you interested in finding stuff about COLA in 2024? Check out if you will benefit from the increase next year. 

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5 Responses

  1. California is way too woke for most Americans and quality of life has been worsening for years..beautiful weather and state but no one anymore wants to move there. Great to visit

  2. How about taxes, crime, gas prices, roads not kept up, real estate prices and radical liberal democrats running the state.
    I’ve lived here70 years and it’s not as nice as it

  3. I live in California and have for a long time.
    The article looks very familiar from a while ago.
    Rent is very high owning a home 🏠 and the Water & Power bills keep going up and the cost of everything.
    During the pandemic they shut down churches, restaurants businesses and the pandemic shut down mom and pop businesses.
    They are saying the Pandemic is back
    it’s all about money.
    I’m sure there are better places other than California.
    Finally the Actors, Writers etc . Is starting to begin again in 2024.
    Sad to say, nothing like it use to be.

  4. The California cons should be mentioned as well. Air pollution, high cost of living, state income tax, government restrictions, earthquake risk, very high wildfire risk followed by landslides and mudslides, for starters. It sounds like a promotion from California’s governor.

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