4 Things Your Grandkids Want to Hear From You


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When it comes to our grandkids, we all try to be the best examples there can be.

However, there are some things that we can only tell them that will ensure they grow up to be responsible adults and that we have a great relationship with them.

After all, sharing our wisdom with them is one of the most rewarding parts of being a grandparent. What’s more, since we have more life experience, we can guide them better when they are hesitant to talk, even to their parents.

Yet, to be able to be the people they turn to when they are going through a rough time, you need to show yourself to be there for them when they need them.

With some well-placed wisdom, you will become the listening ear they need and be able to teach them the lessons you need.

If you are a grandparent or are going to be one soon, make sure you keep on reading to discover some of the most important wisdom morsels you just HAVE to teach your grandkids!

What is the most important piece of advice you have ever received? Will you teach it to your grandkids? Share your answers in the comments!

tell your grandkids
Image By fizkes From Shutterstock

“It’s okay to make mistakes.”

When it comes to growing up, all kids need to know that it is okay to make mistakes. Think about the times when you were growing up and how some of us grew up scared of making even the slightest mistake.

In order to have our grandkids grow up confident and not scared to try new things, we need to set an example and teach them that making a mistake is not the end of the world.

After all, even as grandparents, we end up making mistakes, but we will not be making a molehill from an ant.

And grandkids are going to benefit from being told this! What’s more, they will also benefit if you teach them to learn from the mistakes they will end up making.

This means that as a grandparent, you will also have to manage your reaction so as not to scare them or make them afraid of telling you when they have made a mistake.

You can discipline them while also teaching them to learn from any mistake they have made so that they do not end up making it again.

One thing to keep in mind is to work with the parents! If they have chosen a certain type of parenting or discipline, you should make sure you are on the same page with them.

Pro grandparent tip! You can also tell them about the time when you have made mistakes and what you learned; that way they will see it’s nothing to be afraid of and you can bond with them more!

“You can do anything if you put your mind to it.”

Generally speaking, as grandparents, we are going to be more easygoing than we would be if we were the parents. Yet, this comes with the experience of having raised a kid already and knowing that things will work out eventually, even if you do not stress too much about them.

By saying the above sentence to your grandkids, you are going to be setting them up on the path of success. This advice is amazing in instilling a sense of hope and possibility in the kids and that they have control over their destinies.

It can teach them that even when people are against them if they try hard enough and are perseverant, they can end up achieving anything they have set their mind to!

The best way to convey this advice is to make sure you are also giving them a growth mindset; no matter how talented or intelligent they may be naturally, they can still work hard to achieve more, learn something new, master a new skill, overcome any obstacles in their journey, and build the resilience needed to achieve what they would want.

The best thing about the growth mindset is that it will prepare them both for success and failure since it will be easier to embrace any issues and overcome them.

Pro grandparent tip! Strive to teach your grandkids that they need to give their all to their task. Trying their best is the most important, and even if they do not get the results they want, they can still be proud of themselves for trying.

tell your grandkids
Image By Studio Romantic From Shutterstock

“I’m proud of you!”

If you think the other pieces of advice we mentioned are not really here or there, that’s okay. However, we insist you take this one to heart!

It is of utmost importance to have grandchildren hear the adults in their lives tell them they are loved and proud of them, no matter what.

While love is unconditional and we all love our grandkids with all our hearts, there are certain things a simple “I’m proud of you!” or “I’ll always be proud of you!” manages to convey that other words do not.

It is about support and love, no matter what, even when they happen to make mistakes. It tells them that no matter what, their grandparents are going to be there for them and support them, even when they have not achieved what they envisioned.

As grandparents, being there and cheering them on is one of the best parts of the job of being a grandparent!

Not to mention, telling them you are proud of them is going to help them gain more courage and trust their abilities. By encouraging them, even when they may fail, you will ensure that they value your insight and that if they need advice or support, you will be here for them.

Overall, saying this is going to show them you are taking an interest in them and that they are loved by you, even if you are not seeing each other very often. So make a point out of telling them you are proud of them.

They will always carry and cherish the sentiments!

Pro grandparent tip! Do not compare them with other people, even if they are friends, family members, or even their siblings. They should get the impression that you are proud of them always, not just when compared with other people or that they need to best others to get your appreciation.

tell your grandkids
Image By fizkes From Shutterstock

“I’ll always be there for you.”

If there’s one thing that all grandkids want to hear from their grandparents, it is the fact that they will be there for them.

You have probably already caught onto this, which is one of the most important ones since it is implied in many other pieces of advice we should give our grandkids.

While a lot of us think this one is easily understood by default, a lot of grandkids would die to hear this directly from this.

Not only will this help them feel more at ease since they will feel they can tell you anything, but in the eventuality that something happens to the core family, they will know they will have someone who has their backs.

No matter what may happen in life, it is always good to let your grandkids know that you are going to be there for them no matter what.

Be it that they want you to listen to them vent, need your advice, need help to get out of trouble, or just to chat with you, make sure you are available and tell them this is needed!

Pro grandparent tip! If you want to be sure they are going to come to you with their issues and trust you, you need to avoid lecturing them when they do so.

Likewise, make sure that you show that you will respect their privacy; nothing you say that they deem important should go to their parents unless it’s going to put their safety in jeopardy.

If you want to make sure that you are going to be able to share your life story with your grandkids, we recommend you start working on a Tell Me Your Life Story® Keepsake Book that they will be able to have with them forever.

Likewise, while there are a lot of things that you should tell your grandkids, there are also some things you should avoid telling them. Since a lot of grandparents have good intentions but may not realize the damage they are doing with their words, we make a list of things to avoid saying to them if you want your relationship to flourish!

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