9 Signs You’re the Best Grandparent Your Family Could Ask for

Photo By nd3000 from Envato

You constantly brush up on your skills

At some point, you might have possessed the skills of changing a diaper with one hand and pureeing cauliflower with the other, but that might have been a long time ago. It’s true that some of those skills might come back, but some things might still differ, such as what babies eat.

Also, the way babies sleep is slightly different. So make sure that if you start this journey, you don’t go unprepared; do your own research before that baby arrives. This way, you’ll ensure that you’re a competent grandmother and that nothing surprises you. It’s much better to be prepared and know exactly how and when to help your kids!

You keep a strong position when it comes to money

Besides sweets and bedtimes, probably the most difficult challenge of grandparenting is money. We all know that when toddlers see something, they want it. It doesn’t even matter what: it could be a lemonade, a toy car, or even a piece of meat. When you’re out and about with your grandchildren, there’s a high chance that you’ll have to spend a couple of bucks.

And you know what they say: a couple of bucks today, a couple tomorrow…there goes your retirement income. Now, no one says you should charge your kids for your time and effort, but there’s nothing wrong with asking for daily money to satisfy your grandchildren’s big appetite.

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