9 Signs You’re the Best Grandparent Your Family Could Ask for

Photo By YuriArcursPeopleimages from Envato

From time to time, you break the rules

Probably one of the biggest joys of spending time with your grandparents was the fact that you were allowed to stay up and watch Tom and Jerry or that your grandma used to bring you breakfast in bed. The only danger comes when spoiling becomes a habit.

Other than that, as a grandparent, you get to be the favorite in the family. Sometimes, breaking an innocent rule enhances the bond between you and your beloved grandchildren. However, you must be careful: when it comes to breaking the rules, make sure you choose the ones that won’t harm the education their parents decided upon.

You manage the long-distance relationship very well

The chances of you living hours away from your son or daughter are very high. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you can’t maintain a happy, successful relationship with your faraway family. Now, we have Skype and FaceTime, and we also have fast commuting options.

You can speak with your grandkids in real-time, even if it’s nothing but a casual chat while you wait in the station. The only thing that really matters is to stay in touch with your loved ones, whether it’s via Facebook, e-mail, or even text messages. And when you feel like it’s been too long, you can always visit!

You accept that you don’t have full control

Probably the most difficult thing about parenting is that you have to be responsible for everything. But the most difficult thing about grandparenting is that you are not responsible anymore. I know it might seem like a no-brainer, but imagine this: you’ve been in charge your entire adult life, and now it’s time for your kids to do the same.

Do you think it will come easy on you? You might disagree with the ironic Velvet Underground T-shirts your baby grandkid has, but it’s not up to you anymore. With each generation, things are changing, and you don’t want to be the old lady who simply doesn’t agree with anything. Trust me!

I feel like we could talk more about the perks of being retired. If you want to join the conversation, read this article: 3 Reasons to Consider Going to College After 50

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