Retirement: 8 Ways to Protect Your Finances From Inflation

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Do an in-depth budget analysis

Also, you should consider evaluating your fixed and variable expenses. As you well know, fixed costs are consistent every month. They might even include rent, mortgage, utilities, phone bills, cable payments, and other insurance expenses.

However, variable costs are changeable, such as dining out, grocery shopping, entertainment, clothing, and vacations. That’s why it would be useful to add up your fixed and variable expenses in the last month.

Then, subtract them from your monthly income, and if you’re left with a negative number, it means that you are running a deficit. However, if you’re left with a positive number, then you’re enjoying a surplus.

For those budgets that are in a deficit, try to find brand new ways in which you can reduce your variable expenses; as for those that seem to be at a peak, you might want to consider paying off debt or even creating an emergency fund.

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