12 Things Your Library Offers for Free



Libraries are significant social hubs so it’s no wonder they host a variety of events all year round. Not all of them are book related and a quick ask or search will tell you exactly what you can expect. You never know, your interests might pop up on a list.

They’re completely free to attend and are a wonderful way to engage with people with similar interests. Whether it’s a last-minute plan or something for further down the line, before buying those expensive tickets for an event downtown, check out what your library has planned first.

Why not save a few extra dollars in the interest of having a little fun? 

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2 Responses

  1. I have not visited a library in years. Thank you for all this information. My next outing is to the library. I still have my library card I am going to put it to good use.

  2. thanks, learned a few things, will check them out. Have used yher libraary for over 50 years, why buy a book when you can put a hold on a best seller and the library will let you know when it is availiable. same with birthday discounts, just sign up for a restaurants card and they will let you know when you can get your free dinner or dessert.

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