Best for Inspiration: The Millionaire Next Door
Now, as great as it is to gain down to earth advice from various authors, it’s equally entertaining and insightful to read all about the inspiring people next door. We can’t help it! When we see others succeed, we want to be right there with them!
But the media’s portrayal of millionaires has made a majority of us think that such wealth is unachievable. Authors William D. Danko and Thomas J. Stanley, after having studied the wealthy and have expertly put their finds in “The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy.”.
Though you might think to be rich is all about living in Beverly Hills and driving fast, fancy cars, Danko and Stanely are here to really bring in a new perspective on how to accumulate wealth.
Snatch this best selling book and look into the lives of those who have made it big. If you didn’t think your tactics to building wealth weren’t doing much, you’ll be surprised to find them between the pages of this book. That should make you think twice about quitting!