Don’t Pay for These 26 Things! Here’s How to Get Them for Free!

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26. Cookbooks

Look, we all appreciate a good cookbook. I still have one from my grandmother, complete with little notes on the sides of the pages. And I love it dearly… but I don’t think I’d ever buy a cookbook ever again if given the choice.

I don’t even think that the thought crossed my mind as of late, but I know some readers still like using them!

Nowadays, the internet is one giant cookbook, with blogs and videos pretty much at every corner. Just pick one that has plenty of views and reviews so you won’t end up making something untested. Speaking of reviews and comments, read them carefully as you could find even more tips and tricks!

So, there you have it! How much money do you think you’ll save by following our tips? Comment down below!

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22 Responses

  1. Wow!! LOVE YOU!! ❤️ ALL THESE info.helps to know! Now!! I have to tell my hubby! REALLY GREAT INFORMATION 👍 👌!

  2. Good information, but I’m curious about one statement contained in the article. In item 24 titled Water, we find this sentence referring to reusing a water bottle – “Oh and you’ll not only save money by doing so, but you’ll be helping the planet out by keeping fewer plastic water bottles out of landfills.” If we keep fewer plastic bottles out of the landfill, that means there are more going into it. My question is, how are we helping the planet by infusing more plastic bottles into landfills?

  3. Why in some states the internet, phone and tv are only $10.00 a month for seniors. Dental implants are not offered to us, claiming it is classified costemtic surgery?? yet several people have had chocking while eating?? We need to fight for the things we need. Hey, I have fought all my life cause I have never been married??? It isn’t fair at all. Nothing is being done for us enough. Were is the power of the senior and we can win for the items we want???

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