Why Should You Work in Retirement? (7 Reasons Unrelated to Money)

work in retirement
Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

Avoiding boredom

If you’re a retiree now, then you’ve probably worked for quite a few years by now. And whether you like it or not, those days are over, and in front of you lies a lot of time, but you’re not quite sure how you’d spend it! What are you going to do? If you don’t have a stable plan that will nicely occupy your time, you’ll probably get bored easily.

Whether you’ve considered working in retirement but aren’t sure whether you should, let me assure you that it’s probably the best way to occupy your time if you loved it and felt useful before retiring. If this is not a possibility for you, consider your grandkids and think about offering to look after them. This is a wonderful alternative that is also highly soul-nourishing and satisfying.

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