Why Should You Work in Retirement? (7 Reasons Unrelated to Money)

work in retirement
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Work in retirement to be more social

Working again in retirement may be a terrific opportunity to meet new people and make friends if you’re divorced or even just single. And we all know how hard it is to maintain a friendship in retirement! In fact, a recent study based on responses from several employees found that having friends at work is the most crucial component of a fulfilling working life.

Being social and talking to other people is one of the most basic human needs, and if you have the right people around you at work, everything will be easier! In addition to working in retirement, joining clubs or a sports team, going out for a coffee every day and getting to know the other customers around you, and going to meetups are all excellent methods to get in touch with individuals the same age as you!

The key to success is to keep a young mind and be friendly, and I am sure you will attract others like a magnet.

While reading this article, you started thinking about working, but you’re not 100% sure what job you should choose. Working After Retirement: 69 post-retirement jobs that can change your life is a great book that’s worth buying. The paperback edition includes a big list of jobs that will help you decide. From part-time ones to those that require little to no previous experience, Carol Lightwood managed to compile everything in only 140 pages. Even the price is great! Only $9.59. 

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