7 Airport Tips That Make Traveling as a Senior a Breeze

Image By Catarina Belova From Shutterstock

#1 Do you want the lounge experience without having to pay for first class?

There is nothing better than being able to wait for your flight in a comfortable and relaxing way, and that is exactly what airport lounges provide for you. If you have access to a lounge, you will be able to take advantage of their comfortable seats, as opposed to the often uncomfortable ones that we find near the gates; fresh coffee, food, and all types of drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic); magazines and newspapers; and even a special bathroom. Some lounges even have showers for those who have long layovers and multiple-hour flights.

You can easily pay to get into some of these lounges if you want to, with some of them even having airport passes for two people at around $40 for two hours, but there are ways to get discounts and even free access to some of these lounges. WestJet offers a 20% discount for lounges if you fly with them, and if you have a travel credit card, or even a normal credit card with certain banks, you will be able to access the lounges for free as long as you have the card with you!

If you have a long layover or are already at the airport, it is definitely something you should take advantage of!

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