7 Airport Tips That Make Traveling as a Senior a Breeze



Image By Svitlana Hulko From Shutterstock

#2 Did you know you can take the fast lane?

Some flights are like a breeze when it comes to how long they can be, only up to 3 hours, but if you are flying cross-country or going somewhere else, you can end up having to spend long hours on a flight. And the longer the flight is, the more tedious most of us find them, and the worst thing is when you finally reach your destination and you have to wait in line for what seems like an eternity thus prolonging your time in the airport!

If you travel between the United States and Canada, you can end up getting ahead of the lines by getting a Nexus card! They are great because you can end up in the fast lane, effectively cutting down the time you spend in customs, and, lately, there are international kiosks that will accept them as well even if you go outside of the country! Look into them and make sure your airport experience is even more comfortable and less tedious!

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