Bills-Savvy Seniors: Strategies to Keep More Money in Your Pocket


Did someone say bills? See here how you can save more money on bills if you’re a senior!

I can’t believe that time flies so fast! We somehow managed to survive another year, and regarding money, things don’t seem to improve anytime soon. Skyrocketing prices for electricity and gas bills are unbelievable, and with each passing day, everything seems more and more expensive.

What can we do besides hoping for the best? Finding methods to reduce expenses can have a big influence on the financial well-being of seniors who have managed their money their entire lives. Because we care about our readers, in today’s article we will take a closer look at some of the most doable and easiest ways to save more money on utility bills without sacrificing your comfort of living. Starting with little adjustments to everyday routines and utilizing technology, these methods were also tested by me, and guess what? They all worked wonders.

save more money
Photo by Oxanaso from Shutterstock

1. Look up senior discounts for basic services

If you want to save more money on bills as a senior, one of the first things you can do is look for discounts whenever possible. There are a lot of companies that offer utility discounts to all American citizens over 65; all you have to do is ask away.

These particular discounts indeed reduce just a small percentage of the whole sum, but you can save more money in the long run because all the savings can add up to hundreds in a couple of years.

2. Reduce the cost of your Internet service

In a technological age, we can’t sit without an internet connection. We need it for shopping, binge-watching our favorite shows, paying electronic bills, and most importantly, keeping in touch with friends and family from other states and cities.

But there is a smart way to reduce the cost of your internet bills and save more money. Call your provider and ask if there are any available seasonal discounts for seniors, or in case there aren’t any, what can you do to lower the costs?

Some subscribers have been paying for things they don’t know they have or don’t need for years. Don’t be shy about asking at their call center! I am sure they’re nice to help you out with all the information you need.

3. Unplug all the appliances and gadgets you don’t use

When you’re trying to save more money on electricity bills as a senior, don’t overlook the small details, like unplugging everything you don’t use in your home. Let’s picture this: you took a break from watching TV, and you want to go out for a neighborhood stroll.

Before leaving your place, don’t forget to unplug the TV. It might seem useless to do this task, but a small quantity of power is continuously drawn from an outlet by a device that is plugged in but not in use.

While some appliances use less power than others, instead of checking which uses less, it better be safe than sorry and unplug them until they’re needed.

4. Switch to LED bulbs!

Although this advice may seem straightforward, selecting the appropriate light bulbs may reduce your annual energy costs by hundreds of dollars. Compared to conventional incandescent lights, LEDs may live up to 25 times longer and consume up to 90% less energy. An average family may save over $225 annually by switching to LED lights. It should go without saying that LED light bulbs are the best option if you want to save more money on bills as a senior.

If you are looking to try out the LED bulbs and you don’t know where to find them, look no further! Check out this 6-pack of 60W LED light bulbs available on Amazon. Take advantage of the eco-friendly lighting, long-lasting brightness, good price, and most importantly, simple installation. Only $18.18 per pack!

5. Replace the air filter regularly

If you’re living in a state where the summer is unbearably warm you probably leave the AC on most of the time. This means that a significant sum of money is spent on electricity bills. Changing your air filter is one way to make the most of your air conditioning system, particularly during the warmer months.

Because your filter needs to work harder to create cold temperatures, your air conditioner is more likely to malfunction when it is blocked. Frequent air filter changes will reduce energy consumption; therefore, you will save more money on bills, maintain lower humidity levels, and shield your air conditioner from damage.

6. Use fans instead of AC

One effective way to save more money each month is to install fans and reduce the usage of your air conditioner as much as possible. But they also use energy, you might say. While it’s true, you could keep your fan running twenty-four hours a day and still use fewer watts than 15 minutes of air conditioning because fans only consume 1% of the energy used by air conditioners.

If your space allows you to look for table fans, wall fans, and ceiling fans, all of them are cost-saving options when you’re trying to save more money and don’t give up personal comfort.

7. Opt for programmable thermostats

A lot of folks have older thermostats in their homes that can be useful too and still work pretty well. One significant distinction between non-programmable and programmable thermostats is the potential savings on energy costs, in addition to the apparent convenience benefit.

By making the switch to a programmable thermostat, you may customize temperatures based on the day of the week and the time of day, with the possibility of raising the temperature during cold nights.

save more money
Photo by Albina Gavrilovic from Shutterstock

8. Wear more layers of clothes

If you reached this point in the article, then you probably took some notes on how to save more money on bills. But what do you do when it’s winter outside and the thermostat isn’t set above 20 degrees? To keep yourself warm, try to warm up by bundling up. Put on a fluffy sweater and some warm socks, and cover with a blanket while you’re watching TV.

A lot of people install fireplaces to keep themselves warm and reduce energy consumption. See if this can work out for you too!

9. Bake some goodies!

What’s the best thing you can do during the winter season when it’s getting dark earlier and there is no more stuff you can do outside your home? Cooking and baking goodies with your family, of course! There is nothing more satisfying than discovering new, delicious recipes to try out for the seasonal holidays. Plus, it’s a tip that will help you stay warm too!

Instead of ordering food and spending more on this habit, keep both your costs and bills low. Your home may be kept pleasantly warm with oven and stovetop heat, and after you’re done baking, you can optimize the residual heat by opening the oven door.

What do you do to save more money and lower your bills? What are your secrets? Tell us in the comments.

Remember that every single dollar counts and it’s a slow but steady way towards financial freedom! Are you ready for more savvy tips? Then don’t waste any more time and dive into another article of ours about 10 ways to lower your living costs without moving from your city. 

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