10 US States With Property Taxes so High It’s Ridiculous

new hampshire
Photo by Sean Pavone from Shutterstock

3. New Hampshire

New Hampshire is also called the Granite State, thanks to its extensive granite quarries and formations. In fact, 30,000 tons of this rock were used to build the Library of Congress. With approximately 85% of its land forested, the state has an abundance of wildlife, with over 450 native animal species.

When it comes to taxes, things are both good and bad at the same time. While there’s no income tax in New Hampshire, its residents have to deal with some pretty high property taxes. With a 1.96% property tax rate, homeowners in this state pay about $8,698 in property taxes per year. If you want to buy yourself a house in New Hampshire, you’ll have to pay, on average, $443,793.

6 Responses

  1. Bull, Colorado has some of the highest around, weld county is 4 to 5% on property , ours jumped in one year to almost 4500

  2. As senior adults we pay 2/3 of our property taxes for schools we have no children in and have never had children in – we don’t have any children! Also, if you want any type of exemptions that might be available, you have to go to the office that process these exemptions – too bad if you are disabled and have a hard time being mobile and do not put a sign in your front yard protesting taxes, the county will come by and remove them – wonderful Illinois!

    1. Who do you think paid for your kids to go to school. Remember you as a taxpayer have the right and obligation to vote for what increases in taxes you will have. Tabor Amendment which was voted on and passed by the taxpayers. Taxpayers blame yourselves. Also, the average house since 1965 to 2013 has gone up in value/sales by 35 times but taxes have only gone up 4 times. Look at history on your individual property. Also, due to State Statute, the assessment ratio for residential property has gone down from 30% to 6.98%. Commercial property has gone from 30% to 29%, but Commercial properties receive tax kick backs from City and County of Denver, Aurora, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Englewood, Lakewood, Boulder, Vail, Aspen, Grand Junction, Golden, Littleton, Adam’s County, Jefferson County, Summit County, Douglas County and Boulder County to off set higher taxes for them.

  3. This post surprised me. I knew CT was high, #5 on the list, but I never thought yhat CA and NY are not even in the top 10.

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