26 Signs Your Boss Might Actually Be Satan in Disguise

Satan in disguise.
Photo by Gearstd – Shutterstock.com

When considering their dream jobs people often neglect to mention the sort of working environment they wish to be a part of. Instead, they tend to focus on their tasks. But having a great boss will not only ensure joining a team of like-minded, skilled individuals, it’ll also help propel your career.

That being said, did you know that only 19% of people described their bosses as mentors, while 76% admitted to disliking their bosses due to toxicity, according to a 2018 poll by Monster.com?

If you work in a stressful environment it could jeopardize your career- it might even make you think about switching careers altogether. The person at the helm of a company or team should help you on your path, not provide roadblocks with the help of a bad attitude.

Sadly, some American workers are so used to bad working environments that they can’t even tell wrong from right anymore. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of signs that you might be working for a toxic boss.

With this information, you can start taking measures to either build a better working relationship with them (with the hopes that they will come out the other end as a better person) or focus on methods of destressing when it all becomes too much.

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