1. Shreveport, LA
The place with the lowest ranking was Shreveport, where the most recent unemployment rate was 5.2%, far higher than the national average. The city also scored poorly in socioeconomic categories, including average income and educational attainment.
And seniors looking for work in retirement are also affected by this predicament. Therefore, you should think twice before moving to Los Angeles, Shreveport, especially if you want to work there.
2. Pikeville, KY
One of the worst places to work for retirees in the U.S. in 2023 is Kentucky. Kentucky, formerly one of the country’s top suppliers of coal, has struggled to recover since the collapse of the coal sector and the Great Recession.
Although it has made some progress in recent years, Kentucky still ranks among the first on our list despite its recent job growth being -1.49% and the fact that a large portion of the state itself has poor household income and education levels.