Retirees, Get Rid of These 6 Things NOW!

Photo by Lucigerma from

5. Clothes

A lot of women have this weird and sometimes understandable way of holding on to clothes. Men do this too, but only if we think about those who are fashion enthusiasts. If you feel like you have nothing to wear, have no idea where that shirt you love is, or maybe your closet is about to collapse because you have too many things, it might be time to start cleaning.

Now that you’re a retiree, do you need to hold onto that outfit you were wearing for your first big event? If it’s still in good condition, you can gift it to your children or grandkids or sell it online if they don’t like it but it’s still in good condition.

There’s a big chance that you grew out of many things you own, but you forgot about them. And if the place you used to work required you to wear a uniform every single day, you can also sell it or donate it. Just take a few pictures for memories, then free up your space! Out with the old, in with the new!

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