5 Things Happy 60-Year-Old Retirees Have in Common

Photo by Monkey Business Images from Shutterstock

How can you be happy after 60?

It’s no surprise that life doesn’t seem so pleasant when you get older. Your health isn’t in top shape anymore; you may find yourself surrounded by fewer friends, and there will be days when you feel more detached from life. And unfortunately, more than 40% of Americans over 60 suffer from depression, and the numbers have increased in the past three years, soon after the COVID-19 pandemic started.

But while life after 60 can be pretty challenging, it can also be rewarding, and you can also be very happy! The hassle of having a 9-to-5 job is gone, and your life can be a fresh start. If you’re wondering what the steps are towards happiness after 60 years old, keep reading. I am sure at least two from the list will put a big grin on your beautiful face! Let’s start.

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