22 Best Dollar Store Bargains You Can’t Miss


11. Mugs and Glasses

Don’t you hate it when you break a glass or a mug? You not only have to deal with a million sharp pieces all over your sink or floor but now you have to go back out and buy more. Most stores carry sets, too, which I find particularly infuriating.

Dollar stores allow you to buy just the item you need with no fuss. They’re cheap but that doesn’t mean they’ll break easily. Plus, their mugs can be simple or with a variety of designs, so you’ve got plenty to pick from anyway!

12. Vases and Decorative Bowls

Once you buy a vase or a decorative bowl form the dollar store you won’t be able to go back. They’re a fraction of the cost compared to other stores and you can find quite a few different styles. You don’t have to compromise on your home decor even if you are buying cheap.

I love them because it means I can make my own flower arrangement without having to rely on pre-made expensive ones at the florist. Decorative bowls can spruce up any empty surface in your home and most of the time all you need are some pebbles and some flowers that you can switch out depending on the season.

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