5 Amazing Jobs to Pick Up During Retirement

Image By shisu_ka From Shutterstock

#1 Patient Advocate

Let’s be honest: a lot of us have gotten pretty good at advocating for our loved ones. Whether it was to get treatment for our children when they were young or to find care for our elderly parents. We all know the struggle of having to explain to people what is in their best interest. If you’ve spent most of your life caring for others, why not capitalize on your skills and turn them into the next step in your “career”?

You can become a patient advocate! And yes, there is such a thing, and it is exactly what it sounds like. It will be your job to advocate for the needs of your client in order for them to get the best and most adequate health care possible. A lot of people who have been caring for someone sick or an elderly parent for a long time have turned this into a job, and they charge between $150 and $400 per client. And they do not only take one client at a time! The more experienced ones can have up to 20 clients!

If you want to learn more about this job and what it would entail, you should check out some startups on the matter and Health Advocate Resources online!

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