5 Ways to Help Your Community As a Financial Activist


Spend Responsibly

Next on the list is spending responsibly- as in knowing where you’re putting your money on top of your donations. What sort of items are you purchasing? Where from? What sort of businesses are you supporting?

You might think that one quick search online will prove a company’s commitment, but nowadays you’ll have to dig a little deeper. For local businesses, you can check if their commitment is superficial if you check it out with your own eyes by paying them a visit. You can ask about their management positions and check if they’re in line with your standards.

For example, if you’re in support of the Black Lives Matter movement then you might want to support businesses in which people of color have key management roles. By using their services your money will help bridge the gap and eliminate economic disparities.

Another idea is to talk to locally-owned shop owners if you’d like to see certain products on their shelves instead of products from brands that are not in line with your beliefs.

Just remember, look beyond company statements and online posts. For example, we’ve found that a lot of corporations seem to support the LGBTQ+ community. However, when we dug deeper on social media accounts linked to countries that do not support such diverse rights, did not find the same statements. Suffice it to say, it’s clear that despite their reach, they were not actually interested in even spreading awareness in these communities.

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