2. Share Your Goals and Ask for Feedback
This goes for both newcomers on the team and older members. Talking about your goals will show your manager that you’re dedicated and focused. Let them know that your priority is to excel in your current role, of course, but never talking about the path ahead? It’ll probably ensure that your promotion will be snatched by someone who’s a bit gutsier about bringing this stuff up to your bosses.
Furthermore, ask for feedback on the projects or tasks you’ve worked on already, then ask your boss for recommendations for future growth. What is it they’d like to see more of? What’s currently lacking in the department and how could you help fill those shoes?
You could have this discussion ahead of asking for a promotion. Allow some time to pass and implement everything you and your boss have discussed. Then, when you think you’ve proven how serious you are and that you’ve paid attention you’ll have an excellent bargaining chip.